At the age of 16 I am surrounded by the media everywhere I go. This unit helped me take notice of appeals that sway me in one direction or another. On days I don’t have practice or other extra curricular activities I get home and relax on my phone for an hour or two. Because I am scrolling through millions of posts, fully entertained by the excitement I often get caught up. I get sucked into the virtual world that is my phone, and when I finally get to my homework I dread it. When I force myself to do homework I am unplugging myself from the media, or so I thought. This unit has taught me that the media is everywhere. In the music industry artists make pop culture references, if the news is on I’ll hear commercials, I can’t really escape it. Through keeping this media blog I was able to create a timeline of my relationship with the media. I have documented observations from the news, including opinions, and personal statements. With the blogs I ca...